A Spray Chrysanthemum Cultivar ‘Pinky Lang’ with Pink Petal, Single Type, and Stable Flowering Strategy in High Temperature Period
Eun-Ah Joh, Ha-Seung Pak, Young-Hye Lee, Tae-Sung Kim, Geung-Joo Lee
화훼연구 Vol. 31 No. 4 (2023.12) pp.357-363
Analysis of Domestic and Overseas Marketability for Revitalization of Exports of Cut Flowers and Chrysanthemums Produced in Korea
Bo Min Kim, Sang Yeong Kim, Jin Hee Lim
화훼연구 Vol. 29 No. 1 (2021.03) pp.29-41
Virus and Viroid Test in Three Domestic Spray Chrysanthemum Cultivars in vitro Propagated and Distributed for Virus-free Seedling Production
Na Ra Seo, Sang Kun Park
한국화훼학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 자료집 제28권 별호Ⅰ (2020.01) p.19
여름철 수출에 적합한 흰색 홑꽃형 스프레이 국화 ‘Snow Dream’
임성희, 정윤경, 이영순
화훼연구 Vol. 25 No. 3 (2017.09) pp.170-177