The Growth of Chrysanthemum morifolium according to the Mixing Ratio of Superabsorbent Polymer
Young Hyun Kwon, Si Young Oh, Seung Hyuk Yang, Seung Mo Kong, Yang Ho Na, Yong Ha Rhie
화훼연구 Vol. 30 No. 4 (2022.12) pp.166-171
Effects of Cuttings Cold Storage Periods and Pre-treatment Temperature on Direct-planting of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat
Eun-ah Joh, Ha-seung Pak, Young-hye Lee, In-ki Ham
한국화훼학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 자료집 제30권 별호Ⅰ (2022.04) p.13
Occurrence of Crown Bud and Growth of Cut Flower by Cutting Period and Short-day Treatment Time in Standard Cut Chrysanthemum ‘Baekma’
Yong Seung Roh, Yong Kweon Yoo
화훼연구 Vol. 29 No. 4 (2021.12) pp.294-301
Discrimination of Floral Scents in Chrysanthemum morifolium Cultivars using Electronic Nose
Myung Suk Ahn, Jae A Jung, Tae-Woo Yoon, Manjulatha Mekapogu, Hyun-Young Song, Oh Keun Kwon
화훼연구 Vol. 28 No. 4 (2020.12) pp.269-278
Comparison of Growth Conditions of Cut Spray Chrysanthemum in Smart Farm and Greenhouse
Jeong So, Jin Hee Lim
화훼연구 Vol. 28 No. 4 (2020.12) pp.305-314
Analysis and Improvement Plan of Cultivation and Postharvest Management Status of Cut Chrysanthemum Farms in Korea
화훼연구 Vol. 26 No. 4 (2018.12) pp.187-194