Dormancy in Seeds of Korean Native Clematis Species: Morphological and Morphophysiological
Seung Hyuk Yang, Young Hyun Kwon, Seong-Hyun Cho, Seung Youn Lee, Yong Ha Rhie
화훼연구 Vol. 30 No. 4 (2022.12) pp.220-226
Plantlets Production from Embryo Culture of Interspecific Crosses between Hibiscus syriacus and Hibiscus moscheutos
Cherry Ann Tapec, Deepo Deen Mohammad, Jung Min Jung, Vo-Thi Co, Hong-Yul Kim, Ki-Byung Lim
한국화훼학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 자료집 제27권 별호Ⅰ (2019.01) p.3
In Vitro Zygotic Embryo Germination and Somatic Embryogenesis through Cotyledonary Explants of Paeonia lactiflora Pall.
Sonali Jana, Iyyakkannu Sivanesan, Mi Young Lim, Byoung Ryong Jeong
화훼연구 Vol. 21 No. 1 (2013.03) pp.17-22