Breeding of a New Standard Chrysanthemum ‘Golden Sun’ with Yellow Color and Pompon Type Flower
Kyeong Jin Jeong, Hyun Gun Park, Hye Bin An, Jae Ki Song, Sun Young Kim, Oh Keun Kwon, Young Don Chin, Young Gwang Kim
한국화훼학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 자료집 제31권 별호Ⅰ (2023.04) p.42
A High-yielding Standard Gerbera Cultivar ‘Shy Pink’ with Light Pink-Colored Petals and Semi-Double Type for Cut-Flower
Hyun Young Song, Jong Taek Park, Jae A Jeong, So Hyeon Lim, Oh Keun Kwon
화훼연구 Vol. 30 No. 4 (2022.12) pp.227-231