Evaluation of Park Re-planning by Feasibility Study in Korea National Parks - Focusing on Area Adjustment of Hallyeohaesang National Park -
Woo Cho
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecolog Vol.38 1 (2024.02) pp.79-89
Analyze the Suitability on the Criteria and Methods of National Park Re-planning, Korea
Sung-Woon Hong, Woo Cho
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecolog Vol.37 6 (2023.12) pp.484-498
The Feasibility Study on Forest Genetic Resource Reserve Designation of Temple Forest ‐ Focused on the Tongdosa Temple Forest
Seung-eun Lee, Jin-won Kim, Choong-Hyeon Oh
한국환경생태학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.27 1 (2017.04) p.64