Analysis of Change in Flora and Vegetation in the Research Sites before and after the Forest Road Construction in Minjujisan in Korea - Focused on the Forest Road at Jeollabuk-do Muju-gun Seolcheon-myeon Micheon-ri Minjujisan Area –
Hyoun-Sook Kim, Joon-Woo Lee, Sang-Myong Lee
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecolog Vol.37 5 (2023.10) pp.367-391
Phytosociology of the Quercus spp. Forests on Mts, Palgong, Kumo and Hwangak in the City Areas of Taegu Kumi and Kimchon Kyungpook Province Korea
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecolog Vol.13 3 (1999.12) pp.220-233