원자력 발전소 비상디젤발전기 최적 정비방안 수립 및 평가 Optimal Maintenance Plan Establishment and Assessment for Emergency Diesel Generator of Nuclear Power Plant

하체웅, 한성흠, 임우상
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/123893
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제10권 제3호 (2008.09)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

An emergency diesel generator(EDG) manufactured by a French company Wartsila SACM is a tandem type engine and consisted of two 10 cylindered diesel engines on each side. The maintenance manual provided by the manufacturer recommends that engine bearing be inspected every 15 years. However, it is difficult to inspect them because the manhole located in the lower compartment of the engine is too small for maintenance worker to access engine internals. Furthermore, the EDG should be disassembled and then overturned to inspect bearings unlike other EDG type. Such process will take longer period time than ordinary maintenance period. So it is not possible to inspect the main engine bearing and crank shaft during a routine or scheduled maintenance. In this paper, five methods are proposed and estimated to resolve the problem and the optimal maintenance method is chosen among them. The proposed optimal maintenance plan makes it possible to perform proper maintenance during regular maintenance period and to lower maintenance cost considerably.

 1. 서론
 2. 제작사의 정비방안
 3. EDG 정비방안 수립 및 평가
  3. 1 정비 방안별 기술 적합성 평가
  3. 2 정비 방안별 안전성 평가
  3. 3 정비 방안별 경제성 평가
 4. 정비방안별 평가 결과
 5. 엔진 인양 부분정비 주요 작업 공정
 6. 결론
  • 하체웅(한국수력원자력(주) 원자력발전기술원) | C. W. HA
  • 한성흠(한국수력원자력(주) 원자력발전기술원) | S. H. HAN
  • 임우상(한국수력원자력(주) 원자력발전기술원) | W. S. LIM