조사시험용 압력용기의 고온고압시험 The High Temperature and High Pressure Test of Pressure Vessel for the Irradiation Test

박국남, 윤영중, 전형길, 안성호, 이기홍, 김영기, Timothy C. Kennedy
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/133257
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제10권 제4호 (2008.12)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

The In-Pile Section(IPS) is located inside the reactor pool. It is divided into 3-parts; the in-pool pipes, the IVA(IPS Vessel Assembly) and the support structures. The test fuel is loaded inside a double wall, inner pressure vessel and outer pressure vessel, to keep the functionality of the reactor coolant pressure boundary. The IVA is manufactured by local company and the functional test and verification were done through pressure drop, vibration, hydraulic and leakage tests. A IVA has been manufactured by local technique and have finally tested under high temperature and high pressure. The IVA and piping did not experience leakage, as we have checked the piping, flanges, assembly parts. We have obtained good data during the three cycle test which includes a pressure test, pressure and temperature cycling, and constant temperature.

 1. 서 론
 2. 실험목적 및 조건
 3. CEDM장치 개조
 4. 고온고압 시험 수행
 5. 시험결과
 6. 결 론
 참 고 문 헌
  • 박국남(한국원자력연구원, 기초과학이용연구본부) | K․N․PARK
  • 윤영중(한국원자력연구원, 기초과학이용연구본부) | Y. J. YOON
  • 전형길(한국원자력연구원, 기초과학이용연구본부) | H. K. JEUN
  • 안성호(한국원자력연구원, 기초과학이용연구본부) | S. H. AHN
  • 이기홍(한국원자력연구원, 기초과학이용연구본부) | K. H. LEE
  • 김영기(한국원자력연구원, 기초과학이용연구본부) | Y. K. KIM
  • Timothy C. Kennedy(미국오레곤주립대학교, 기계공학과) | 케네디