극저온 수조내기기 성능시험 The Performance Tests of Cryogenic In-Pool Assembly

박국남, 우상익, 김영기
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/149745
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제11권 제4호 (2009.12)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

The Cold Neutron Research Facility(CNRF) is being built to produce a cold neutron which has peculiar physical property. In-Pool Assembly(IPA) was manufactured in a domestic factory, which is composed of moderator cell, heat exchanger, vacuum chamber, joint flange assembly and bracket etc. We had difficulties with the mechanical fabrication process due to the thin moderator cell. The special flange for the double flexible piping was developed. The tests of moderator cell, heat exchanger, vacuum chamber, double flexible pipe and IPA include the pressure test, normal temperature leak test and low temperature leak test. The moderator cell and heat exchanger were tested in the severe environmental condition and the burst tests of moderator cell were carried out. Above all, the bursting point took place at the area of the 0.01mm thinner place. It shows that the severe environmental test affects the bursting strength. The double flexible pipe welding at the IPA top plate was related with the arrangement of moderator cell in the vacuum chamber. Therefore the connecting welding of the double flexible pipe linked to sequent of the vacuum piping, helium piping and hydrogen piping. The fabrication, test and assembling of cryogenic in radiation zone were developed.

 1. 서론
 2. 수조내기기 제작
  2.1 감속재용기 제작
  2.2 열교환기 제작
  2.3 진공용기 제작
  2.4 계통연결배관 제작
  2.5 수조내기기의 조립 제작
 3. 제작 검사 및 시험
  3.1 치수 검사
  3.2 극한시험
  3.3 파괴 시험
  3.4 압력시험
  3.5 헬륨 누설시험
 4. 결론
  • 박국남(한국원자력연구원, 원자력기초과학연구본부) | Kook Nam Park
  • 우상익(한국원자력연구원, 원자력기초과학연구본부) | Sang Ik Wu
  • 김영기(한국원자력연구원, 원자력기초과학연구본부) | Young Ki Kim