A hierarchical computational method has been developed and used with finite element method based on dislocation density multiple-slip crystalline formulation to predict how nanoindentation affects behavior in face-centered cubic crystalline aggregates. Using displacement profiles which were obtained from molecular dynamics(MD) nanoindentation simulation, scaling relations based on indentation depths, grain-sizes, and grain aggregate distributions were obtained. These relations then applied to coarsen grains in micros- tructurally based FE formulation which accounts for dislocation density evolution, crystalline structures. This computational regime was validated with a several experimental results related to single gold crystals. This hierarchical model provides a tool to link nanosacle level with a microstructurally based FEM formulation that can be to ascertain inelastic effects such as dislocation density evolution. With the above certainty temperature distribution during the nanoindentation simulation also was investigated along with the different indentation depth.