마퍼의 메인 프레임에 대한 최적화 설계 인자의 결정 Decision of Optimal Design Parameters for Main Frame in a Mopper

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/238173
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제15권 제4호 (2013.08)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

This study is concerned about the optimal design of the main frame in a moper. Mopper is widely used for cleaning in the fields such as airport, subway, train station, large shopping mall, department store, hospital, government buildings, school, industrial building floor, etc. Especially, main frame in mopper are stressed by high, mostly loads. Nevertheless, design of main frame is dependent on experience, and it will cause reliability reduction and cost increase. This research purpose is to propose and verify a method to achieve higher product quality, lower costs, and far less physical testing. In this study, design parameters used for optimization are each thickness of 4 square pipes and 1 plate in the main frame. The result after optimization showed that the weight of main frame reduced to maximum 6.5% when compared with the initial design in main frame.

 1. 서론
 2. 메인 프레임 모델링 및 파라미터 선정
  2.1 3D 모델링
  2.2 설계 파라미터 선정
 3. 설계 및 제작
  3.1 최적화 설계 절차
  3.2 디자인 시나리오를 이용한 최적화 해석
  3.3 결과 분석
 5. 결론
  • 이종신(충북보건과학대학교 컴퓨터응용기계과) | Jong Shin, Lee