절화용 장미 시설재배 시 꽃목굽음 현상의 계절적 변화 Seasonal Change in Incidence Bent Peduncle Phenomenon of Flowering Shoots of Greenhouse-Grown Cut Roses

서지현, 김완순
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243633
Vol. 21 No. 2 (2013.06)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

초 록 절화용 장미 시설재배 시 BPP 발생 빈도의 계절적 변화를 조사하였다. 국내에서 재배되는 절화 장미 6품종 ‘Propose’, ‘Beast’, ‘Revue’, ‘Ocean Song’, ‘Iguana’, ‘Legato’를 대 상으로 하였으며, 재배시설의 광과 기온을 2012년 연중 조사하 였다. 그 결과, 일평균기온은 겨울철(1, 2월)보다 여름철(7, 8월) 에 5oC 증가하였으며, 일누적광량은 봄철(3, 4월)에 가장 높았 다(11,704mol·m-2·d-1 PPFD). BPP 발생 빈도는 품종간 차이 (2-20%)는 있었으나, 6월까지 다소 낮게 유지되다가 일평균기온 이 증가하는 여름철에 최대 10-15%까지 급증하고, 9월 이후 다시 감소하는 계절적 양상은 유사하였다. ‘Revue’ 품종을 제외 한 나머지 5품종에서 BPP 발생 빈도는 일평균기온과 고도의 정의 상관관계(r = 0.7-0.9**)를 나타냈다.

This study was conducted to investigate the seasonal change in incidence of bent peduncle phenomenon (BPP) of cut rose plants (Rosa hybrida L.) grown in greenhouses. Six cultivars (‘Propose’, ‘Beast’, ‘Revue’, ‘Ocean Song’, ‘Iguana’, and ‘Legato’) were used as plant materials. In addition, greenhouse environmental conditions including air temperature and irradiance were measured year-round in 2012. Daily average temperature (DAT) was 5oC higher in the summer season (June-August) than in the winter season (January- February), while light integral was the greatest with 11,704 mol •m-2 • d-1 PPFD in the spring season (March- April). Even though incidence of the BPP was cultivarspecific (2-20%), all species maintained the low level until June and incidence of BPP drastically increased maximally 10 to 15% in high temperature season of July- August. In contrast, it was decreased again after September. In all five cultivars except ‘Revue’, BPP was significantly correlated to DAT (r = 0.7 - 0.9**).

  • 김완순(서울시립대학교 환경원예학과) | Wan Soon Kim Corresponding author
  • 서지현(서울시립대학교 환경원예학과) | Ji Hyeon Seo