본 연구는 나리 인편자구 포장정식 시 재배시설에 따른 바이 러스 감염률 등을 조사하여 포장 구근생산체계를 확립하고자 하 였다. 맹아률은 비가림하우스 및 망실하우스에서 높았으며, 품종 별로는 ‘Yelloween’이 ‘Star Gazer’보다 높았고 ‘Yelloween’ 의 망실하우스에서 맹아률은 90.3%였다. 총생체중 및 구근특성 도 ‘Yelloween’이 ‘Star Gazer’보다 높았으며 ‘Yelloween’ 노 지 정식구에서 총생체중은 15.8g이었으며 구중은 10.7g으로 가장 양호하였다. 진딧물 비래의 최성기는 5월이었고 노지 38마리 에 비해 비가림 및 망실에서 8마리, 2마리로 월등히 낮았으며, 바이러스 이병률은 CMV가 LSV보다 높았으며 노지에서 CMV 이병률은 17.8%로 비가림 및 망실보다 4배 이상 높았다. Pyrethroid처리는 250mg • L-1이상에서 바이러스 방제효과가 있 었다.
This study was conducted to establish of lily bulb stock production system by investigating the infection ratio of virus and planting place of rain-shelter, insect net greenhouse and field. Sprouting ratios were higher in rain-shelter and insect net greenhouse. Sprouting ratio was higher in ‘Yelloween’ than in ‘Star Gazer’ with 90.3%. Total fresh weight and bulb characteristics were similar to the results of sprouting ratio. In field planting of ‘Yelloween’, total fresh weight was 15.8 g and bulb weight was 10.7 g. The peak period of aphid flying was in May and the number of aphids were 38, 8 and 2 in field, rain-shelter and insect net greenhouse, respectively. Infection ratio of virus, CMV was more than LSV. Virus infection ratio of CMV in the field was 17.8%, and it was about 4 times compare to rain-shelter and insect net greenhouse. Virus prevent was effective in more than 250 mg • L-1 pyrethroid treatment.