가시가 적은 분홍백색 장미 ‘필라’ 육성 Breeding of A New Rose Cultivar ‘Feella’ with Purple White Color Flower and Few Prickles

기광연, 조경철, 황인택, 윤봉기, 최경주, 한태호
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243640
Vol. 21 No. 4 (2013.12)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

절화장미 ‘Feella’는 전라남도농업기술원에서 육성한 분홍백색의 스탠다드 장미이다. 분홍색이며 대형계인 ‘Nobless’를 모본으로 하 고, 중형계이며 적색으로 다수성 품종인 샤샤를 부본으로 교배하여 육성하였다. 2006년에 교배하여 실생을 양성하고 2009년부터 2010년까지 3회의 특성검정과 품종평가회를 실시한 결과, 절화특성 이 우수한 JR0657-35(Chonnam D1-65) 계통을 선발하였다. 화 형과 화색이 예쁜 ‘Feella’의 수량은 124.0본/m2/년으로 절화장이 71.4cm, 꽃 크기가 10.0cm, 꽃잎 수는 83.5매이며 절화수명은 10.2일이었다.

A new standard rose cultivar ‘Feella’ was bred from the cross between purple standard cultivar ‘Nobless’ and red standard cultivar ‘Sacha’ at the Jeollanam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services (JARES). The cross was made in 2006, and seedlings were produced. After the evaluation of specific characters from 2009 to 2010, it was finally selected and named. ‘Feella’ has standard flower type with purple white color (RHS Color Chart Purple Group 65A, White Group N155C). A purple white standard cultivar has good flower shape and round flower type. The major characteristics of this cultivar were as follows: this cultivar produced 124.0 stems/m2/ year, and it showed 71.4 cm in length of cut flower, 10.0 cm in flower diameter, 83.5 in petal number, and 10.2 days in vase life. This cultivar can be propagated by both cutting and grafting. The consumer’s preference of this cultivar is relatively higher than that of control cultivar, ‘Nobless’.

  • 기광연(전라남도농업기술원) | Gwang Yeon Gi Corresponding author
  • 조경철(전라남도농업기술원) | Kyung Chul Cho
  • 황인택(전라남도농업기술원) | In Taek Hwang
  • 윤봉기(전라남도농업기술원) | Bong Ki Yoon
  • 최경주(전라남도농업기술원) | Kyong Ju Choi
  • 한태호(전남대학교식물생명공학부) | Tae Ho Han