절화에 적합한 분화용 심비디움 품종선발 Analysis of Cut Flowers Vase Life to Pot Cymbidium Cultivars

이영란, 최성렬, 예병우, 이동수
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243700
Vol. 20 No. 1 (2012.03)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

본 연구는 국내에 유통되고 있는 분화 심비디움 11 품종의 절화 수명에 대해 조사하고자 실시하였다. 심비디움 절화수명은 ‘Red Heart’(5일)와 ‘Cosai’(5 일), ‘Hukumusme’(4일)로 가장 짧았고, 가장 긴 것은 ‘Golden Bambi’(21일)로 절화수명이 짧은 품종의 4배 정도 수명이 길었다. ‘Golden Bell’, ‘Miss Kim’, ‘Marine Green’ 의 절화수명은 8~10일이었고, ‘Golden Tiara’, ‘UFO’, ‘Orange Fresh’, ‘Gengi’의 절화수명은 6~7일이었다. 절화수명연장제 ‘화정’과 ‘Florbelle’의 100 배, 200배액 처리시 처리 별로 절화수명에는 큰 차이는 나지 않았으나 ‘화정’ 100배액이 품종에 따라 절화수명 에 효과가 있었다.

The study was conducted to investigate the differences of cut flowers vase life in the 11 cultivars of the domestic distribution pot cymbidium (Cymbidium hybrida). The cut flowers vase life of ‘Golden Bambi’ (21 days) was four times longer than that in ‘Red Heart’ (5 days), ‘Cosai’ (5 days), and ‘Hukumusmi’ (4 days), which have short vase life. The cut flowers vase life of ‘Marin Green’, ‘Miss Kim’ and ‘Golden Bell’ were 8 to 10 days. The cut flowers vase life of ‘Golden tiara’, ‘UFO’, ‘Orange Fresh’ and ‘Gengi’ were 6 to 7 days. Treatments 100 and 200 times of floral preservative ‘Hwajoung’ and ‘Florbelle’ were not much difference as a cut flower vase life, but it was lightly effective when using 100 times of ‘Hwajoung’

  • 이영란(국립원예특작과학원) | Young Ran Lee Corresponding author
  • 최성렬(국립원예특작과학원) | Seong Roul Choi
  • 예병우(국립원예특작과학원) | Byeong Woo Yae
  • 이동수(국립원예특작과학원) | Dong Soo Lee