토양피복에 따른 잡초발생과 안개초의 생육 및 개화에 미치는 영향 Effect of Soil Mulching Materials and Methods on Weed Occurring for the Growth and Flowering in Gypsophila paniculata Cultivation

정동춘, 오정문, 임회춘, 송영주, 김정만
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243744
Vol. 19 No. 1 (2011.03)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

안개초 절화 재배시 토양피복재료 및 피복방법에 따른 잡초 발생량 및 안개초 개화특성 등을 조사하였다. 잡초 발생량은 무피복 146.2 g·m−2(건물중)인 반면 흑색과 녹색 폴리프로필렌 부직포 전면피복은 4.1~4.2 g·m−2으로 거의 발생되지 않았으며, 제초 소요인원도 무피복은 27.9명/10a/년인데 반해 전면피복은 2.4명/10a/년이었다. 여름 절화작형시 개화는 무피복과 골 피복이 늦었으며, 화경장, 측지수, 절화장, 화수폭 및 화경 강도는 흑색과 녹색 부직포 전면피복이 우수하였고, 절화량은 흑색 PE필름, 녹색과 흑색 부직포 전면피복에서 많았다. 월하 후 안개초 고사주율은 흑색 부직포 골 피복처리에서 12.4% 로 가장 낮았고, 녹색 부직포 피복처리가 19.0% 정도 였으며, 흑색 PE 필름 전면 피복처리가 39.0%로 가장 높았다. 가을 절화작형 역시 화경장, 측지수, 절화장 및 화경 강도는 흑색과 녹색 부직포 전면피복이 우수하였고, 절화량은 녹색 부직포가 가장 많았다. 로젯트 발생률은 골피복보다 전면피복이 낮았으며, 피복재료별로는 녹색 부직포 전면피복이 가장 낮았고, 다음은 흑색 부직포, 흑 색 PE 필름 전면피복이 낮았다. 따라서 안개초 절화재배 시 녹색 부직포 전면 피복처리가 잡초 발생억제와 절화 품질 향상 및 절화량 증가에 효과적이라고 생각된다.

This study investigated the effect of soil mulching materials and methods on weed occurring for the growth and flowering characteristics in Gypsophila plants cultivation. For mulching materials were used black polyethylene (PE) film, black polypropylene (PP), and green polypropylene, and these were mulched in both ridge and furrow (BRF) or only furrow, respectively. The weed was occurred total 146.2 g/m2/yr as dry weight in non-mulching, but 4.1~4.2 g/m2/yr in BRF mulching by black or green PP. Also weed control were yearly required 27.9 persons/10a in non-mulching, whereas 2.4 persons/10a in BRF mulching by black or green PP. Flower budding and blooming were roughly delayed in non-mulching and furrow mulching. Flowering characteristics such as flower stalk length, primary branches number, and stem firmness were remarkably improved in BRF mulching of black or green PP. Cut flower yield was increased on black BRF mulching or green PP in summer cultivation, while green PP BRF mulching showed better yield in in autumn cultivation. Mortality rate of Gypsophila plants after summer season was lowest as 12.4% in furrow mulching with black PP, followed by about 19.0% in green PP mulching, but highest as 39.0% in BRF mulching with black PE film. Rosette formation rate was lower in furrow than BRF mulching, and was lowest as 13.1% in BRF mulching with green PP, followed by 15.2~15.8% in BRF mulching with black PE film or black PP. So it was thought that BRF mulching with green PP was highly effective in weed control and improvement of yield and cut flower quality in Gypsophila plants cultivation.

  • 정동춘(전북농업기술원) | Dong-Chun Cheong Corresponding author
  • 오정문(전북농업기술원) | Jeong-Moon Oh
  • 임회춘(전북농업기술원) | Hoi-Chun Lim
  • 송영주(전북농업기술원) | Young-Ju Song
  • 김정만(전북농업기술원) | Jeong-Man Kim