춘란(Cymbidium goeringii)의 개화정도별 삭과 형성 및 종자 발아에 미치는 NaOCl의 영향 Effects of NaOCl Treatment on Seed Germination and Capsule Formation of Level of Flowering in Cymbidium goeringii

이대건, 고재철
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243757
Vol. 18 No. 4 (2010.12)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

본 연구는 춘란 야생 변이종의 육종을 위한 기초 자료 를 얻고자 실시하였으며, 야생종의 개화시기를 꽃봉오리, 반개화, 개화, 개화 후 10일, 개화 후 20일의 5단계로 나 누어 자가 수분시킨 후 삭과의 형태적 특성과 발아율을 조사한 결과이다. 착과율은 개화 후 20일에 교배한 것에 서 100%로 가장 높았고, 삭과의 무게는 반개화 때 교배 한 것이 가장 무거웠다. 5단계로 나누어 발아율을 조사한 결과 반개화에서 가장 높게 나타났으며, 교배 후 채종 일수를 150일, 165일, 180일의 3단계로 달리하여 발아율 을 조사한 결과에서는 교배 후 채종일수를 150일에 파종 한 종자에서 5%로 가장 높게 나타났다. NaOCl 처리를 통한 발아율을 조사한 결과에서는 2%로 처리한 것에서 53.3%의 발아율을 보여 가장 좋은 결과를 나타내었다.

The study is aimed to obtain the basic data for developing new variations of wild spring orchid. The results was investigated the capsules’ formational characteristics and the germination ratio after having been self-pollinated by dividing the flowering period into the 5 stages into budding time, semi-flowering, full-flowering, 10 days after flowering, and 20 days after flowering. The fruit setting ratio was the highest as 100% in the plant which had been pollinated 20 days after the flowering, while the weight of the capsule was heaviest in the orchid which had been pollinated in semi-flowering period. As the result of investigating the germination ratio by dividing the period into 5 stages, it was the highest in the plant which had been pollinated during the semi-flowering period, and in the result of investigating the germination ratio by dividing the seeds harvesting days into the 3 stages, such as, 150 days, 165 days and 180 days after the pollination, it was highest as 5% in the orchid whose seeds had been harvested 150 days after the pollination. In the result of examining the germination ratio of the seeds treated with NaOCl, the those treated with 2% of NaOCl showed the highest as 67% in the germination ratio.

  • 이대건(대구가톨릭대학교, 플라워디자인과) | Dae Gun Lee
  • 고재철(대구가톨릭대학교, 플라워디자인과) | Jae Chul Koh Corresponding author