용토와 생장조절제 처리가 노빌계 덴드로비움의 삽목번식에 미치는 영향 Effect of Cutting Media and Growth Regulators on the Cutting of Dendrobium nobile

김한균, 남유경, 이종석
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243798
Vol. 18 No. 1 (2010.03)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

본 실험은 Dendrobium nobile계 신품종인 ‘Candy’와 ‘Fizz’, ‘Princess’를 대상으로 줄기 삽목번식법을 확립하 고자 수행하였다. 매질실험에서 삽목 60일 후 측아발 생률은 ‘Fizz’가 perlite+vermiculite 혼용구에서 83.3%로 가장 높았고, 발근률은 ‘Candy’와 ‘Fizz’에서는 발근이 되지 않았으나 ‘Prince’의 경우 삽목 60일 후 perlite+ vermiculite 혼용구에서 10%의 발근률을 나타냈다. 오 옥신 종류 및 농도별 실험에서 측아발생률은 ‘Candy’를 제외하고는 삽목 60일 이후부터 높은 증가율을 나타내 었으나 ‘Fizz’는 IBA 200ppm 처리의 86.7%를 제외 하고는 대조구와 처리간에 차이가 없었다. 착엽수는 대 조구에 비해 ‘Candy’와 ‘Fizz’의 경우 IBA 200ppm 에서 높은 발생률을 나타냈다. 발근률은 ‘Prince’에서는 IBA 200과 NAA 50ppm에서 대조구보다 2배의 높은 발근률을 나타냈다. BA와 kinetin의 농도별 실험에서 ‘Candy’는 삽목 60일 후 BA 50ppm에서 20%의 측아발 생률을 나타냈다. ‘Fizz’ 품종은 전체적으로 측아발생률이 30일 이후부터 증가하여 60일 이후에는 대조구의 77%에 비해 BA 200ppm에서 100%이었다. 그러나 kinetin의 경우 농도에 관계없이 대조구에 비해 낮게 나타났다. 착 엽수도 Fizz와 Prince에서 측아발생률과 유사한 경향으로 서 BA 200ppm에서 효과가 뚜렷하였으나 모든 품종 에서 발근에는 영향을 미치지 못했다.

This study was conducted to determine the optimal rooting media composition and plant growth regulators for the mass production of new three cultivars in Dendrobium. Rooting medium experiments showed that shooting rate of ‘Fizz’ was the highest in perlite (Per) and vermiculite (V) mixture (1 : 1, v/v). Rooting rate of ‘Prince’ was 10% in the same treatment 60 days after cutting, while those of ‘Candy’ and ‘Fizz’ showed no shooting. With various kinds of auxin and different levels of concentrations, shooting rate in the other cultivars except ‘Candy’ increased highly at 60 days after cutting. Whereas, there were no differences between control and treatment except that of ‘Fizz’ with 200 ppm of IBA treatments showing 86.7%. Rates of cutting with leaves of ‘Candy’ and ‘Fizz’ were fairly high with 200 ppm of IBA compared to the control. Rate of rooting of ‘Prince’ was twice with 200 ppm of IBA or 50 ppm of NAA compared to the control. With various kinds of cytokinin and different concentrations, shooting rate of ‘Candy’ was 20% with 50 ppm of BA at 60 days after cutting; however, that of ‘Fizz’ increased in all treatments in 30 days after cutting and reached 100% with 200 ppm of BA compared to the control which was 77% at 60 days after cutting. Kinetin treatment had little effect on shooting rate compared to control at all concentrations. Treatment with 200 ppm of BA had clear effect on the rate of cutting with leaves of ‘Fizz’ and ‘Prince’, which was similar to shooting rate. However, the same treatment of BA had no effect on the rooting rate in all cultivars.

  • 김한균(금화산업(주) 부설연구소) | Han-Kyun Kim
  • 남유경(금화산업(주) 부설연구소) | Yu Kyeong Nam Corresponding author
  • 이종석(서울여자대학교 원예조경학과) | Jong Suk Lee