네덜란드 나리(百合) 구근생산과 육종의 세계화 The Globalization of the Lily Bulb Production and Breeding in the Netherlands

Peter C. Schenk, Hye Kyung Rhee
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243838
Vol. 15 No. 4 (2007.12)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

나리는빠르게 발전하고있는화훼작물이다. 구근화 훼류 및 화훼작물로 네덜란드뿐 만 아니라 전세계에서 관심을 끌고 있다. 또한 전세계의 육종분야에서도관심 의대상이 되는 작물이다. 네덜란드는나리육종과구근 생산에관한한매우중요한나라이다. 화란에서나리산 업을 세계화하기 위한 여러가지 측면, 즉, 1) 구근생산, 2) 절화생산, 3) 육종활동및 4) 식물육종가권리를중심 으로알아보고자한다.

The lily is a crop in which a lot of activity is going on. Not only in the Netherlands (Holland) but also world wide we see growing interest in growing lily as a bulb crop as well as a flower crop. And there is also even growing interest, worldwide, in breeding. The Netherlands is the most important country as far as the lily bulb production and lily breeding is concerned. The objective of this paper is to identify: 1) bulb production, 2) flower production, 3) breeding activities, and 4) plant breeder’s right for the globalization of lily industry in the Netherlands.

  • Peter C. Schenk(Mak Breeding BV) | 피터쉔크
  • Hye Kyung Rhee(National Horticultural Research Institute, RDA) | 이혜경 Corresponding author