Lilium속 식물들에서 화색 생합성조절 유전자의 대 사경로 규명을 위해 화학적 및 생화학적 방법을 이 용하여 백합의 flavonol과 anthocyanidin 색소의 생 성여부를 분석하였다. flavonol은 L. longiflorum과 11개의 다른 품종에서 kaempferol(Km)과 quercetin (Qu)의 형태로 spectrophotometer에 의해 검출되었 다. Anthocyanidin 색소로는 ‘Le Reve’, ‘Etude’, ‘Acapulco’, ‘Star Gazer’, ‘Montreux’, ‘Monte Negro’ 에서 cyanidin이 검출되었고, 나머지 품종인 ‘Siberia’, ‘Royal Lace’, ‘Nove Cento’, ‘Elite’, ‘Cannes’에서는 anthocyanidin이 검출되지 않았다. 즉 이들 5개 품종 은 DFR효소 활성이 없는 acyanic 품종인 것으로 나 타났다.
To figure out the biosynthetic pathway of flower pigment-controling genes in lily, production of flavonol and anthocyanidin pigments was analyzed using chemical and biochemical methods. Among flavonol, kaempferol (Km) and quercetin (Qu) were detected by spectrophotometer in L. longiflorum and 11 cultivars. Six cultivars, ‘Le Reve’, ‘Etude’, ‘Acapulco’, ‘Star Gazer’, ‘Montreux’, and ‘Monte Negro’, showed to produce cyanidin, but others didn't show any trace of anthocyanidin. In five cultivars, ‘Siberia’, ‘Royal lace’, ‘Nove Cento’, ‘Elite’, and ‘Cannes’, no cyanidin was detected. As a result, anthocyanidin seemed not to be synthesized in these five cultivars and these five cultivars were identified as acyanic without dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) activity.