백두대간 태백산지역 백천계곡의 식물군집구조 Plant Community Structure of the Baekcheon Valley in Taebaeksan Area, the Baekdudaegan

조현서, 최송현
  • LanguageKOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/262216
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
제15권 제4호 (2002.03)
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

백두대간 태백산지역의 백천계곡에 대해 삼림군집구조 분석을 실시하기 위해 50개 조사구를 설치하고, 식생조사를 실시하였다. TWINSPAN 기법을 활용하여 군락을 분리한 결과 신갈나무-소나무군락(I), 소나무-신갈나무군락(II), 당단풍-신갈나무군락(III), 박달나무-당단풍군락(IV), 그리고 층층나무군락(V)의 5개 군락으로 최종 분리되었다. 각 군락은 층위별 상대우점치 분석을 통하여 식생구조를 밝혔다. 연륜분석결과 백천계곡의 임령은 소나무림이 50~75년. 신갈나무림이 40년 내외로 밝혀졌다. 단위면적당(100m2) 평균출현종수는 11.1±2.2종, 평균출현개체수는 74.6±28.1주였다. 흉고직경급별 분석을 포함한 이상의 결과로 식생천이를 예측한 결과 백천계곡은 소나무에서 신갈나무를 거쳐 층층나무, 박달나무 등의 활엽수로 전개될 것으로 판단된다

To investigate the forest structure and to suggest the basic data of forest in the Baekcheon Valley, fifty plots were set up and surveyed According to the analysis of classification by TWINSPAN. the community was divided by five groups of Quercus mongolica-Pinus densiflora(I), P. densiflora-Q. mongolica(II), Acer pseudosieboldianum-Q. mongolica(III). Betula schmidtii-A. pseudosieboldianum(IV), and Cornus controversa community(V). The structure of communities was investigated using importance value by layers The survey results were summarized as follows: 1) the results of annual ring analysis revealed that the age of Pinus densiflora forest was about 50~75 years old and Q. mongolica forest was about 40 years. 2) number of the average species was 11 1±2.2 and number of average individual was 74.6±28 1 per a plot(100m2). From the above results including DBH distribution analysis it was anticipated that the deciduous broad leaf tree like C. controversa and B. schmidtii will be climax species instead of Q. mongolica. and P. densiflora.

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