한라산국립공원의 조류군집에 관한 연구 A Study on the Bird Community in Hallasan National Park

전병선, 유재평, 백인환, 오홍식, 백운기
  • LanguageKOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/262448
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
제21권 제2호 (2007.05)
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

한라산국립공원의 조사지역에서 2006년 4월부터 2007년 2월까지 3차례에 걸쳐 조사한 결과 관찰된 조류는 38종 2,323개체였다. 이 중 텃새가 27종이었고, 여름철새가 6종, 겨울철새가 2종, 통과새가 3종이었다. 최우점종은 큰부리까마귀(14.81%)였으며, 다음은 직박구리(12.66%), 방울새(10.33%), 까마귀(8.44%), 곤줄박이(6.72%) 등의 순이었다. 산록도로지 역(A지역)에서는 31종 1,630개체의 조류가 관찰되었고, 탐방로지역(B지역)의 27종 693개체 보다 많은 것으로 나타났다 종다양도(H')는 1.34~2.56의 범위에서 봄 조사시 A지 역에서 종다양도 2.56으로 가장 높았고. 겨울 조사시 B지역에서 1.34로 가장 낮았다. 고도별로 각 종들의 분포양상이 다르게 나타난 것은 고도에 따른 기상요건과 먹이원의 차이에 의한 것으로 보인다.

This study was performed to clarify general characteristics of the bird community structure within the boundaries of Hallasan National Park. The surveys were made during April 2006 to February 2007, and the birds were identified and the individual number of those birds was counted up to 38 species and 2,323 individuals in total. Among the total 38 species, 27 residents, 6 summer visitors, 2 winter visitors and 8 passage birds were identified by migratory pattern categories. The most dominant species was Corvus macrorhynchos (14.81%), followed by the Hypsipetes amaurotis(12.66%), and the third was Carduelis sinica(10.33%), and next, Corvus corone (8.44%). About 31 species and 1,639 individuals of birds were sighted around Sallok road 1 (A), and 27 species and 693 individuals of birds were spotted around mountain trails (B), Consequently, it was found that [A] area abounds in more birds than [B] area. Species diversity (H') was distributed over the range of 1.34~2.56 degrees in view of the surveyed areas by season. The maximum species diversity (2.56) was found in (A) area in the spring, and the minimum species diversity (1.34) was seen in [B] area in the winter. There are different distributional patterns of birds in terms of the altitude. It was also observed that there were differences in weather factors and food resources by the altitude.

  • 전병선 | Chun, Byung-Sun
  • 유재평 | Yu, Jae-Pyoung
  • 백인환 | Paik, In-Hwan
  • 오홍식 | Oh, Hong-Shik
  • 백운기 | Paek, Woon-Kee