점봉산 천연보호림에서 서식환경 차이에 따른 토양날개응애 군집특성 The Characteristics of Soil Oribatid Mite(Acari: Oribatida) Communities as to Differences of Habitat Environment in Mt. Jumbong, Nature Reserve Area in Korea

강방훈, 이준호, 최성식
  • LanguageKOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/262483
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
제21권 제6호 (2007.12)
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

본 연구는 훼손되지 않은 천연보호림인 점봉산의 고도 1,000미터 지점의 이웃한 남북사면의 서식처 환경차이에 따른 날개응애의 군집구조를 분석을 통한 생태계 구조를 이해함을 목적으로 1994년 5월부터 1996년 8월까지 매월 조사를 수행하였다. 두 조사지에서 채집, 동정한 날개응애의 종수및 개체수 비교에서는 유의성 있는 차이를 보였는데(t-test, p〈0.05), 북사면의 평균 밀도와 종수는 99.2±17.6, 24.7±3.0이고 남사면에서는 234.2±62.6, 40.8±5.8였다. 종다양도는 남사면이 3.09±0.11로 북사면 2.71±0.13보다 높게 나타났다. 날개응애의 개체군 크기를 전체 밀도에 대한각종의 밀도 백분율로 구하여 우점종, 중세종 그리고 약세종으로 나누어 나타내었고, O. nova와 Suctobelbella naginata가 조사지 모두에서 우점종으로 나타났고, Trichogalumna nipponica는 남사면에서는 우점종이었으나, 북사면에서는 채집이 되지 않는 종이다. 두 조사지의 우점종의 먹이 습성은 토양미생물을 섭식하는 식균성(microphytophagous) 이었다. 고도 1,000미터 지점으로 서로 이웃한 남/북사면 조사지에서 종수 및 개체수, 우점종 구성이 뚜렷한 차이를 보였고, 조사지별 유사도가 낮게 나타나 미소환경의 이질성이 날개응애 군집의 특성에 큰 영향을 미침을 알 수 있었다

This research was conducted every month from June 1994 until August 1996 with the aim to understand the ecosystem structure through the analysis of oribatid mite community structure in soil subsequent to environmental difference of its habitats located at northward & southward slopes adjacent to each other at an altitude of 1,000 meters of Mt.Jumbong, which is a natural reserved forest, remaining intact. There appeared a significant difference [t-test, p〈0.06] in comparison of the number of the species and individuals of Oribatid mite species which were collected and identified at two survey areas. The mean density and the number of the species collected and identified at the northward slopes, and southward slopes were 99.2±17.6, 234.2±62.6 and 24.7±3.0, 40.8±5.8, respectively. Species diversity index(H') was higher at the southward slopes(3.09±0.11) than at the northward slopes(2.71±0.13). The population size of Oribatid mite species was found by the percentage of each species density as against the whole density and classified into dominant species, influent species, and recessive species according to the percentage; as a result, O. nova and Suctobelbella naginata was found to be a dominant species at both survey slopes while Trichogalumna nipponica was found to be a dominant species, at southward but it wasn't collected at the northward slopes at all. The feeding habit of the dominant species at two survey slopes was found to be microphytophagous- eating soil microbe. There appeared a conspicuous difference in compositions of the number of the species, individuals and dominant species at the southward/northward slopes adjoining each other at an attitude of 1,000 meters and less similarity between the two survey slopes. Conclusively, It was found that the heterogeneity of microhabitat has a great effect on Oribatid mite's community characteristics.

  • 강방훈 | Kang, Bang-Hun
  • 이준호 | Lee, Joon-Ho
  • 최성식 | Choi, Seong-Sik