동해안 해수욕장 주변의 해안사구 식생 특성 Characteristics of the Vegetation in the Coastal Dunes near the Swimming Beaches on the East Sea Coast, South Korea

조우, 송홍선, 홍성철, 최덕천
  • LanguageKOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/262597
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
제23권 제6호 (2009.12)
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

한반도 동해안 해수욕장 주변의 해안사구 식생양상을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 식물군락은 좀보리사초군락, 우산잔디군락, 왕잔디군락, 해당화군락, 순비기나무군락, 통보리사초 전형군락으로 구분되었다. 이들 군락은 통보리사초, 갯메꽃, 갯씀바귀, 갯그령, 갯완두, 갯방풍의 식별종으로 보아 갯방풍군강(class)의 통보리사초군목에 포함되었다. 순비기나무군락은 해수욕장 주변의 해안사구 식물군락 중 가장 이질적이었으며 왕잔디군락은 전형적인 해안사구 식물군락과 가장 가깝게 결합하였다. 해안사구의 배후지 근처에 나타나는 해당화군락과 순비기나무군락은 해수욕장 주변의 인위적 간섭이나 교란 등에 의하여 사빈의 해안사구에 출현한 것으로 판단되었다.

This study was carried out to investigate and evaluate the vegetations in the coastal dunes in the vicinity of swimming beaches on the East Sea, South Korea, and the vegetations that were investigated are as follows: Carex pumila community, Cynodon dactylon community, Zoysia macrostachya community, Rosa rugosa community, Vitex rotundifolia community and Carex kobomugi typical community. Some of these vegetations, such as Carex kobomugi, Calystegia soldanella, Ixeris repens, Elymus mollis, Lathyrus japonica, and Glehnia littoralis were found to be differential species which belongs to Caricion kobomugi of Glehnietea littoralis. It was also discovered that Vitex rotundifolia community was the most heterogeneous among vegetation communities of the coastal dunes surrounding swimming beaches, and Zoysia macrostachya community was most closely linked to the typical coastal dune vegetation community. Finally, Rosa rugosa community and Vitex rotundifolia community seemed to have formed near the hinterland of coastal dunes and swimming beaches respectively because of certain unnatural disturbances such as construction of buildings and facilities or natural disasters.

  • 조우 | Cho, Woo
  • 송홍선 | Song, Hong-Seon
  • 홍성철 | Hong, Sung-Chul
  • 최덕천 | Choi, Deog-Cheon