훼손예정지의 지형 및 수목 형태를 고려한 이식목 선정기준에 관한 연구 Study on the Selection Criteria for Transplanting Trees in the Forest Reserve Areas Designated for Future Development

이수동, 최송현
  • LanguageKOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/262601
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
제23권 제6호 (2009.12)
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

산지개발로 인해 불가피하게 훼손되어야 하는 양호한 식생을 대상으로 수목의 외형적 특성인 수형, 흉고직경 등과 기반특성인 토양층위 등 이식가능성 여부를 판단할 수 있는 기준을 제시하고자 본 연구를 진행하였다. 이식수목 선정은 자생성 및 천이단계에 의한 평가, 외형 및 기반특성에 의한 평가 2단계로 구분하여 진행하였다. 1단계에서는 식생발달 측면에서 천이를 주도하는 자생종이 아닌 인공식재수종과 생태적 천이 발달단계에서 도태가 예상되는 수목은 2단계 평가 전에 이식가능 수목에서 제외한 결과 총 3,841주 중 약 5.9%에 해당되는 수목이 이식 불가능한 것으로 판정되었다. 2단계 외형 및 기반특성에 따른 평가에서는 수형등급, 흉고직경급, 토양등급을 기준으로 각각의 수목을 평가한 결과 3,613주 중 약 33.7%(1,218주)는 이식 가능하였으나 23.0%(829주)는 이식 불가능한 것으로 분석되었다. 약 43.3%(1,566주)에 해당되는 수목에 대해서는 이식비용과 새롭게 식재하는 비용에 있어 큰 차이가 없으므로 가능한 이식하는 것이 생태계 보전 측면에서 바람직하나 토양상태 및 수형을 고려하여 현장 관리자의 의견을 반영하도록 제안하였다.

This study was conducted to establish the selection criteria for the trees to be transplanted in the forest reserves which are expected to be developed in the future. The main task in this endeavor was to access the transplantability of the trees focused on their feature, diameter at breast height (D.B.H.), soil feature, etc. The selection of the trees for transplantation consisted of two stages. The first stage was to select trees on the basis of their indigenousness and forest successional stage. The second was to select trees on the basis of their type, D.B.H., the layers of soil, etc. At the first stage, the trees which are not indigenous or expected not to survive were eliminated from the selection list, and the result showed that approximately 5.9% (about 3,841 trees) of the trees proved to be inadequate for transplanting. At the second stage, the investigation of the trees based on the criteria of tree type, D.B.H., the layers of soil was carried out, and the result showed that approximately 33.7% (1,218) out of 3,613 trees turned out to adequate for transplanting however, 23.0% of the trees, which are 829 trees, were found to be impossible to transplant. In addition, it was discovered that in the case of approximately 43.3%(1,566 trees) of the trees there was little difference between transplanting cost and planting cost of new trees. Therefore the investigation indicated that it is more advisable to transplant trees to preserve the ecological environment. However, the study showed that there are other elements to be considered, such as tree feature and soil condition, for the successful tree transplantation, and the necessary information can be provided by the managing personnel who are in charge of the forest.

  • 이수동 | Lee, Soo-Dong
  • 최송현 | Choi, Song-Hyun