본 연구에서는 난온대 기후대에 위치한 부산광역시 태종대 해안 산림생태계의 현존식생, 식물군집구조, 천이계열을 규명하여 태종대의 관리방안 수립을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 수행하였다. 현존식생은 총 35개 유형으로 분류되었고, 조사면적 1,750,461m2 중 곰솔이 우점하는 식생은 1,413,274m2로 80.7%이었고, 참나무류림은 5.0%, 개서어나무가 우점하는 식생은 0.4%이었다. 조사구(20m×20m) 18개소를 설정하였으며, DCA 분석결과, 군집 I(곰솔군집), 군집 II(곰솔-졸참나무군집), 군집 III(졸참나무-곰솔군집), 군집 IV(개서어나무-곰솔군집) 등 네 개의 식물군집으로 분리되었다. 표본목 수령은 군집 I은 38~59년생, 군집 II는 35~71년생, 군집 III은 37~53년생, 군집 IV는 50~72년생으로 전체적으로 38~72년의 산림이었다. 태종대는 난온대 기후대 천이계열 초기단계에 있는 것으로 추정되었으며, 교목층에서는 곰솔에서 졸참나무 또는 개서어나무가 우점하는 식생으로 천이가 진행될 것으로 예측되었고, 아교목층에서는 사스레피나무가 우점하고 관목층에서는 사스레피나무와 마삭줄이 우점하는 식생으로 유지할 것으로 예측되었다. 단위면적 400m2의 샤논의 종다양도지수 분석결과, 군집 I은 0.8640~1.3986, 군집 II는 0.1731~1.1885, 군집 III은 0.8250~1.0042, 군집 IV는 0.3436~0.6986이었다.
This study was carried out to investigate actual vegetation, the structure of plant community, and ecological succession sere of coastal forest ecosystem in warm temperate climate zone, Taejongdae, Busan City, Korea to provide the basic data for planning of the forest management. As a result of analysis of actual vegetation, vegetation types divided into 35 types, and the area of survey site was 1,750,461m2. The ratio of vegetation type dominated by Pinus thunbergii was 80.7%, dominated by Quercus spp. was just 5.0%, and dominated by Carpinus tschonoskii was just 0.4%. Eighteen plots(size is 20m×20m) were set up and the results analyzed by DCA which is one of the ordination technique showed that the plant communities were divided into four groups which are community I(P. thunbergii community), community II(P. thunbergii-Quercus serrata community), community III(Q. serrata-P. thunbergii community), and community IV(Carpinus tschonoskii-P. thunbergii community). The age of community I was from 38 to 59 years old, that of community II was from 35 to 71 years old, that of community III was from 37 to 53 years old, that of community IV was from 50 to 72 years old, thus we supposed that the age of the study site is about from 38 to 72 years old. We supposed that the successional sere of the study site is in the early stage of ecological succession in the warm temperate climate zone. The dominant species will be changed from P. thunbergii to Q. serrata or Carpinus tschonoskii in the canopy layer, on the other hand, Eurya japonica will be dominant species in the understory layer, and E. japonica and Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermediumwill be dominant species in the shrub layer for a while. According to the index of Shnnon's diversity(unit: 400m2), community I ranged from 0.8640 to 1.3986, community II was from 0.1731 to 1.1885, community III was from 0.8250 to 1.0042, and community IV was from 0.3436 to 0.6986.