순천시 조계산도립공원 선암사골 계곡부 식물군집구조 The Structure of the Plant Community in Seonamsagol(Valley), Jogyesan(Mt.) Provincial Park, Suncheon City

  • LanguageKOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/262811
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
제26권 제4호 (2012.08)
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

순천시 조계산도립공원(해발고 884m) 선암사골 계곡부 식생의 식물군집구조를 조사분석하여 생태적 천이계열 특성과 보전가치를 밝히고, 도립공원관리를 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위해 20m×20m 크기의 조사구 20개소(해발고 315~480m)를 설정하였다. TWINSPAN 기법에 의한 군집분류 결과 군집 I(굴참나무군집), 군집 II(졸참나무군집), 군집 III(낙엽활엽수혼효군집), 군집 IV(1981~2010) 월평균기온 자료를 이용하여 온량지수를 분석한 결과 104℃·월로 온대남부기후대의 식생이었다. 생태적 천이계열은 졸참나무군집에서 개서어나무군집으로 발달하고 있는 초기단계로 추정되었으나, 장기 모니터링을 시행해야 군집별 변화양상을 규명할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었고, 관목층에서는 조릿대가 우점하고 있었다. 표본목의 흉고직경은 20~55cm(평균 36cm), 수고 14~35(평균 23m)이었고, 수령 분석 결과, 군집 I은 64년생, 군집 II는 59~64년생, 군집 III은 51~62년생, 군집 IV는 41~68년생이었다. 샤논의 종다양도지수(400m2)는 군집 IV(0.8452~1.2312) → 군집 III(0.8044~1.1404) → 군집 II(0.8221~0.9971) → 군집 I(0.8324) 순으로 높았다.

This study was carried out to investigate the ecological succession sere and conservative value, and to provide the basic data for the planning of the Provincial Park Management in Seonamsagol(Valley), Jogyesan(Mt.) Provincial Park(altitude 884m), Suncheon City, Korea by analysing the structure of the plant community. Twenty plots(size is 20m×20m) were set up at an altitude of range from 315m to 480m. As a result of analysis of TWINSPAN which is one of the ordination technique, the plant communities were divided into four groups which are community I(Quercus variabilis community), community II(Q. serrata community), community III(Decideous broad-leaved plant community), and community IV(Carpinus tschonoskii community). The warmth index is 104℃·month based on the data of monthly mean temperature during the past thirty years(1981~2010), so we found out that the vegetation of the study site located in the South Temperate Climate Zone. We supposed that the ecological succession sere of the study site is in the early stage of developing from Q. serrata community to Carpinus tshonoskii community, however we should do a long-term monitoring to investigate the changes of the ecological succession each plant community, meanwhile Sasa borealis was dominant species in the shrub layer. The diameter at breast height of specimen tree is range from 20 to 55cm(average 36cm) and the height of that is range from 14 to 35m(average 23cm). The age of community I was 64 years old, that of community II was from 59 to 64 years old, that of community III was from 51 to 62 years old, and that of community IV was from 41 to 68 years old, thus the age of the study site is about from 38 to 72 years old. According to the index of Shnnon's diversity(unit: 400m2), community IV was ranged from 0.8452 to 1.2312, community III was ranged from 0.8044 to 1.1404, community II was ranged from 0.8221 to 0.9971, and community I was 0.8324.

  • 김종엽 | Kim, Jong-Yup