본 연구는 도시공원의 토지피복 및 식재구조에 따른 온도 영향요인을 규명하는데 목적이 있다. 성남시 분당구 중앙공원을 대상으로 전 지역에 대한 토지피복 및 식재현황을 파악하였으며 30개의 조사구를 설정하여 정밀 토지피복 및 식재구조를 파악하고 온도는 10회 반복 측정하였다. 온도 영향요인은 토지피복유형, 식재유형, 층위구조, 녹지량(녹피율, 녹지용적계수)을 선정하여 실측 온도와의 통계분석을 실시하였다. 토지피복유형, 식재유형, 층위구조와 실측 온도와의 분산분석 결과, 토지피복유형에서 목본 식재지는 저온역으로 초지와 포장지는 고온역으로 구분되었다. 식재유형은 침엽수 및 활엽수 식재지는 저온역으로, 초지와 포장지는 고온역으로 구분되었다. 층위구조는 교목층과 교목층+하부식재 유형은 저온역으로, 초지와 포장지는 고온역으로 구분되었다. 녹지량과 실측 온도와의 상관관계 분석 결과 녹피율과 녹지용적계수는 모두 실측 온도값과 고도의 음(-)의 상관관계가 인정되었다. 녹지량과 실측 온도와의 회귀모형에 의하면 녹피율은 1% 증가할 때마다 -0.002℃, 녹지용적계수는 1m3/m2 증가할 때마다 -0.122℃의 온도저감 효과가 있을 것으로 예측되었다.
The purpose of this study is to find out how land cover and planting of an urban park influence temperature. Field research on the land cover and planting status was conducted for Bundang Central Park in Sungnam-si. 30 study plots in the site were selected to closely analyze land cover type and planting structure. The temperature was measured 10 times for each plot. Land coverage type, planting type, planting layer structure and green space area (the ratio of green coverage, GVZ) were chosen as factors impacting temperature and statistics were analyzed for the actual temperature measured. Analysis on how the land coverage type influences temperature showed that planting site had a low temperature and that grassland and paved land had a high temperature. When it comes to planting type, the temperature at the land planted with conifers and broad-leaved trees was low, while the temperature at grassland and paved land was high. With regard to planting layer structure, canopy and canopy-underplanting type showed low temperature, while grassland and paved land showed high temperature. An analysis on the relation between green space area and temperature found out that both ratio of green coverage and GVZ had a high level of negative correlation with the temperature measured. According to regression model of green space area and the temperature measured, for every 1% increase in the ratio of green coverage, temperature is expected to lower by 0.002℃. Also, for every 1m3/m2 increase in GVZ, temperature is expected to go down by 0.122℃.