일년생 스타티스의 준고냉지 여름 절화재배에서 묘 저온처리가 개화 및 절화 생산에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 저온처리에 따른 묘 생육은 초장, 엽장, 엽폭에서는 차이가 없었으나, 엽수는 파종시기가 늦을수록 증가하였고, 저온처리 후 묘 손실률은 40일 저장에서 16.5%로 높았다. 묘를 정식한 70일 후 저온처리간의 생육은초장, 엽장, 엽폭에서 차이가 적었으나 엽수는 무처리가2배 정도 많았다. 개화기는 30일과 40일 묘 저온저장이공히 7월 14일로 무처리의 8월 5일에 비해 20일 정도빨랐다. 절화품질에서 절화장, 분지수와 경경은 40일 저장을 제외하고는 비슷하였다. 절화 생산량은 30일 저장이 1,000m2당 6,339속으로 가장 많았고, 7월 의 초기수량이 3,135속으로 약 50%를 차지하였다.
This study was conducted on growth and floweringcharacteristics of Limonium sinuatum Mill. ‘Deep Blue’ bychilling treatment at sub-alpine region during summercultivation. The seedling quality was not different, regardlessof the low-temperature processing on plant height, plantlength and plant width, but the more number of leaveswere recorded as the sowing time was delayed. Themortality ratio of seedling was highest with 16.5 percent in40 days chilling treatment at 2οC with dark condition. Thegrowth at 70 days after transplanting had no effect onplant height, leaf length, leaf width, and regardless of thechilling treatment, but twice the number of leaves in non-chilling treatment. The flowering time in 30 days and 40days chilling storage were earlier about twenty days thancontrol. The quality of cut-flower was not significantlydifferent between treatments, except for 40 days in chillingstorage. Cut-flower yield was highest in the 30 dayschilling treatment in 6,339 bundles per 1,000m2, and inJuly 3,135 bundles the initial quantity of about 50 percent.