Joonheui Bae, Dong Mo Koo
  • LanguageENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/271781
Global Marketing Conference
2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore (2014.07)
글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 (Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations)

The global online game market remarkably has been growing by each year and its profitability has been increasing as well. The online game companies, however, are facing a big trouble. Although a great number of online games have been so popular fast, they would have been disappeared fast because they have not made their players reuse repeatedly. The successful game companies need to attract the players continuously and make sustainable profit by making a longer product life-cycle. Fun has been regarded as an antecedent of intention to play games and game satisfaction in most of prior research of online game or the motive to play games. But fun in these researches was dealt in a view of short term. The fun which can get the players to replay and make relationship with the game companies needs to be investigated in terms of long-term. Therefore we examine the fun as a key antecedent of the drivers of customer equity in game companies. The multiplayer online battle arena(MOBA) games such as league of legend(LOL, Riot games), DOTA Ⅱ (Nexon), CHAOS online(CHAOS, Sesi Soft) and so on, have strived to develop their sustainable and competitive factors. Even though MOBA is one of online game genres and derived from Real time strategy (RTS), it continues its popularity in the world because its companies are striving to make sustainability by upgrading their game characters continuously. That is, it is that they are extending their game product life cycle. The players who feel bored with the old characters can play with another new characters having their own game strategies and balance. Besides, there are more features to make their players satisfied and replay like the interaction in game communities and active E-sports league in common MOBA game attributes. The MOBA is one successful model of online game genres so far due to their continuous effort to make their sustainability in the game market. We research the framework which affects customer equity in MOBA game companies in the study.

  • Joonheui Bae(Kyungpook National University)
  • Dong Mo Koo(Kyungpook National University)