Kaichi Saito
  • LanguageENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/271849
Global Marketing Conference
2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore (2014.07)
글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 (Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations)

Consumers receive two types of WOM (word-of-mouth) information: instructional- type WOM and information-type WOM. The instructional-type WOM is WOM information about brands that have not been purchased, while the information-type is WOM about brands have been purchased before. By receiving the instructional-type WOM, consumers come to understand the functional and psychological benefits of the brand. On the other hand, consumers learn nothing about the functional and psychological benefits from information-type WOM, since they already know these benefits through their experience. The information-type WOM about a brand informs consumers that the WOM sender has used the brand and wants to talk about his/her consumption experience of the brand. Although previous research has actively investigated the effects of instructional-type WOM (e.g., Jang, Prasad, and Ratchford 2012; Liu 2006; Zhu and Zhang 2010), the effect of informational-type WOM remains virtually unexplored. When receiving information-type WOM about a brand from friends or family members, consumers are more likely to use the brand in order to build a closer relationship, and therefore fulfill their need to belong. Information-type WOM about a brand from significant others can inhibit consideration of other brands. When a person has the goal of fulfilling the belonging need, only purchasing the same brand as significant others purchase will contribute to satisfying this goal. Purchasing other brands will hinder achievement of the goal, and this impedes their consideration of other brands. The author examined the effect of information-type WOM on consideration set formation using the survey data provided by Yomiuri Advertising Company. The empirical analysis revealed that (1) information-type WOM has a greater impact on consideration than ISP and advertising (i.e., positive own-effect) and (2) information-type WOM has the effect of blocking the entry of other brands into the considerations set (i.e., negative cross-effect). These results suggest that, even for major brands, it is important to generate WOM among consumers. Although information-type WOM might seem to be trivial, this type of WOM function as means to avoid competition in consumers’ consideration sets.

  • Kaichi Saito(Meiji Gakuin University)