Elena Horská, Ľudmila Nagyová, Jakub Berčík, Vladislav Valach
  • LanguageENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/271881
Global Marketing Conference
2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore (2014.07)
글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 (Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations)

The ability to succeed in a competitive market means to respond flexibly to difficult market demands by setting appropriate price, quality, and not least by creating a favourable environment for cultural, but also attractive shopping at a point of sale. Thanks to the innovative interdisciplinary approach using neuromarketing, we can create effective marketing strategies and thereby stimulate human emotions through which it is possible to achieve an increase in the number of deals, multiply revenue and improve the ability to stimulate a purchase. Commercial spaces are becoming more sophisticated day by day and the results of several surveys of consumer behaviour show that more than half of decisions 50-80% related to purchases are made on the point of sale and 80% are realized on the basis of positive emotions. An emotion is a complex processing of phenomena or situations which is determined by the relationship between their objective characteristics and needs of the subject. The element of lighting in shops also influences positive emotions of consumers being able to increase or decrease the sales. Lighting is the only factor that can be accurately measured and controlled. Accent lighting of a modern shop is largely involved in the overall design and the resultant atmosphere of the shop, playing a crucial role in presenting different kinds of goods. The use of accent lighting can draw the customer's attention to a specific part of retail space and achieve the overall harmonization of the shop. For some goods (fresh unpackaged food) lighting is not only powerful, but also the only marketing tool. The main objective of this paper is to clarify the influence of various types of accent lighting (different colour temperature, intensity) on the brain activity of respondents and their resultant emotional state (arousal / valence). Cortical brain activity was recorded via a wireless 14 channel electroencephalograph. The object of investigation is the impact of accent lighting in the section of fresh food (fruit, vegetables, bread, pastry). In the end of the article we explain how neuroscience can be used for a better understanding of consumer perception of accent lighting in the food market.

  • Elena Horská(Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra)
  • Ľudmila Nagyová(Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra)
  • Jakub Berčík(Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra)
  • Vladislav Valach(Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra)