본 연구는 고흥, 부산 및 울산지역에 분포하는 거문도닥나무 자생지의 입지 환경, 식생구조 및 토양특성을 조사하여 자생지 보전 및 복원을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 거문도닥나무 자생지는 해발 28~242m에 위치하고, 경사는 0~40°로 다양하며, 수관개방율은 57.56%로 나타났다. PC-ORD를 이용한 이단계 군집분석 결과 군집 Ⅰ(밤나무-소나무군집), 군집 Ⅱ(떡갈나무-곰솔군집), 군집 Ⅲ(곰솔군집) 등 세 개의 식물군집으로 분리되었다. 종다양도는 평균 1.3650이며, 균등도와 우점도는 각각 0.8666과 0.1333으로 나타났다. 조사대상지의 토성은 미사질양토와 사양토이며, 토양산도는 pH5.5, 전기전도도는 0.15dS/m, 토양유기물함량은 2.60%, 유효인산함량은 4mg kg-1으로 확인되었다. 환경특성과 식생 및 토양분석 결과에 기초한 상관분석에서는 종다양도와 균등도, 유기물함량과 전질소함량은 정의상관관계를 보였고, 경사와 초본층의 피도, 종다양도와 우점도는 부의관계를 형성하였다.
The present study was to survey the site environment, vegetation structure and soil characteristics in the wild habitats of Wikstroemia ganpi in Goheung, Busan and Ulsan, and offers basic information for habitat conservation and restoration. Most of the wild habitats were located at altitudes between 28~242m with inclinations ranged as 0~40°. The canopy openness was 57.56%. The vegetation structure by the PC-ORD based on the Two Way Cluster Analysis were divided into three groups CommunityⅠ(Castanea crenata-Pinus densiflora), Community Ⅱ(Quercus dentata-Pinus thunbergii) and CommunityⅢ (Pinus thunbergii). The species diversity was 1.3650, and evenness and dominance were found recorded as 0.8666 and 0.1333, respectively. The soil textures were silty loam and sandy loam. The average soil pH was 5.5, electric conductivity was 0.15dS/m, soil organic matter was 2.60% and available phosphorus was 4mg kg-1. Correlation coefficients based on environmental factors, vegetation and soil analysis were showed that positive correlations between species diversity and evenness, organic matter and total nitrogen, whereas species slop degree and coverage of herb, diversity and dominance were showed negative correlations.