남성의 젠더(Gender) 정체성, 브랜드 젠더, 판매원의 성이 패션 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향 The effect of man's gender identity, brand gender and salesperson sex on fashion brand attitude

김정목, 황선진, 허유진
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/278280
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
제22권 제1호 (2014.02)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

This research used an experimental design in an effort to assess the influence of brand gender and salespeople on the attitudes toward brands according to the males' gender identity traits. The study used a three-way split-plot experimental design, and data were analyzed by t-tests, and ANOVA. The subject of this research was men in their 20s and 30s, and a total of 178 people were selected through convenience- sampling. The findings are as follows: first, masculine male consumers preferred masculinity fashion brands; however, androgynous consumers preferred brands that reflect androgyny. Second, there were no differences in brand attitude according to the gender of the salesperson for the masculinity group, but the androgynous group estimated the brands as better when the salesperson was female. Third, there were no differences in the brand attitudes among consumers according to gender of the salesperson for the Galaxy; however, for Solid Homme, brand preference was stronger when the salesperson was a woman. Fourth, the influence of brand gender and salesperson gender on brand attitudes differed according to the gender of the consumer. Therefore, apparel companies must clearly understand the characteristics of consumer gender identity and execute proper marketing strategies in order to induce stronger positive attitudes toward their brands. Moreover, apparel companies should perceive that brand gender and the gender of the salesperson can consequently encourage brand preferences.

  • 김정목(성균관대학교 의상학과) | Kim, Jung Mock
  • 황선진( 성균관대학교 의상학과) | 황선진
  • 허유진( 성균관대학교 대학원 예술학협동과정) | 허유진