소비자의 조절모드와 희소성 메시지가 패션제품평가에 미치는 영향 The effect of consumers' self-regulatory modes and scarcity messages on fashion product evaluations

백소라, 황선진, 여준상
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/278284
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
제22권 제1호 (2014.02)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

This study looked into the scarcity effect based on the consumers' self-regulatory modes and determined the effect that such a regulatory mode and that quantity-scarcity messages would have on evaluations of fashion products. To that end, the study used a 2 (regulatory mode: assessment mode/locomotion mode)×2 (message type: quantity-scarcity message/non-scarcity message) between-subjects factorial design in which buying impulsiveness was presented as a mediator variable that showed differences in product evaluations depending on the message type and on the presence of a self-regulatory mode. The results of this study showed that locomotion-oriented consumers evaluated products more positively compared to assessment-oriented consumers when the quantity-scarcity message was presented. When a non-scarcity message was presented, no significant difference was observed in product evaluations based on the consumers' self-regulatory modes. In addition, buying impulsiveness in consumers served a mediator role in the evaluations of fashion products. The results of this study imply that a clear understanding of consumers is a prerequisite for maximizing the scarcity effect and that companies need to differentiate in terms of the way they use scarcity messages based on consumers' self-regulatory modes.

  • 백소라(성균관대학교 의상학과) | Baek, Sora
  • 황선진( 성균관대학교 의상학과) | 황선진
  • 여준상( 동국대학교-서울캠퍼스 경영학과) | 여준상