Development of Cryo-banking System of Lilium Species

Jung Yoon Yi, Gi An Lee, Sok Young Lee, Jong Wook Chung
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279559
Vol. 22 No. 3 (2014.09)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

Germplasm collection of lily in the mountainousarea is laborious and time consuming accompanied withhigh costs and high risk due to inappropriate environmentalconditions. Cryopreservation being an ideal method for thelong-term preservation can be employed in conservation ofvaluable lily germplasm. Previously, we developed cryo-preservation protocol for Lilium germplasm using ‘dropletvitrification’. In this paper, we have chosen shoot tips as amaterial for cryopreservation because of their genetic safetyupon regrowth in tissue culture. Using this protocol, wehave preserved approximately 160 accessions of lily germ-plasm in 2010~2012. The regeneration rates are rangedfrom 54.3% to 58.5% while the survival rates were from58.3% to 66.4%. Among Lilium germplasm cryopreserved,there are some Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese seedstocks which have good qualities for inter-species hybrid.Moreover, we also conserved Korean wild endangered seedstock, especially Lilium hansonii. The morphological studyof Lilium germplasm regenerated from cryopreserved mate-rial confirmed the stability of clonal material following cryo-preservation. We anticipate this cryo-collection will beavailable and useful to curators or breeders of Lilium andthis cryobank will also facilitate the conservation and inter-national exchange of Lilium germplasm.

 Materials and Methods
  Planting material
  Culturing of plant material
  Cold-hardening and pre-culture
  Loading and dehydration process
  Thawing, unloading and plant regeneration
  Morphological analysis
 Results and Discussion
  • Jung Yoon Yi(National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, RDA) Corresponding author
  • Gi An Lee(National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • Sok Young Lee(National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • Jong Wook Chung(National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)