익산지역 문화 자원을 활용한 패션 문화상품 디자인 개발 Fashion cultural product design applying cultural resources of Iksan

김혜경, 추미경, 홍정화, 전희관
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/280375
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
제22권 제4호 (2014.08)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

This study aims to develop motifs and patterns for fashion cultural product designs in order to promote the Iksan Seodong Festival, which is the most representative festival in Iksan region. The motifs and patterns developed in this study can be used to introduce the distinct traditional culture depicting the legendary Seodong tale. This study used Adobe Illustrator CS4 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 to reconstruct the lotus motifs found from the green-oiled-lotus-motif rafter tile, the atrifact from Iksan Mireuksaji Museum. This lotus motif and the motif based on the Iksan City's logo were applied to a repeating pattern with colorways using the CMYK found from the Iksan city's logo. A total of 24 product designs, including 8 necktie designs, 8 scarf designs, and 8 T-shirts designs, were presented for fashion cultural products. The designs developed in this study can promote not only the local Iksan culture but also the national image of Korea on a global scale.

 Abstract  I. Introduction  II. Background   1. Fashion cultural product   2. Local cultural resources and symbol of Iksan   3. Festival of Iksan  III. Methods  IV. Results and Discussion   1. Development of design motif   2. Development of fashion cultural product design  V. Conclusion  References
  • 김혜경(원광대학교 패션디자인산업학과) | Kim, Hye Kyung
  • 추미경( 원광대학교 패션디자인산업학과) | 추미경
  • 홍정화( 원광대학교 패션디자인산업학과) | 홍정화
  • 전희관( 원광대학교 패션디자인산업학과) | 전희관