남성 슬림 팬츠 패턴 비교 분석 - 3D CLO 가상착의 시스템을 활용하여 - Comparative analysis of men's slim pants patterns - Using a 3D CLO virtual garment system -

김경아, 홍은희, 어미경
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/280379
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
제22권 제4호 (2014.08)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

This study aims to compare the ease of men's slim pants patterns, and to analyze the fit and appearance through the 3D virtual garment system. The study selected four educational materials and one industrial pattern of slim pants for a total of five items. The CLO 3D Modelist program was utilized to carry out the appearance evaluation through virtual wearing and opacity, and a comparison was performed regarding the clothing pressure when the virtual model was standing and walking. The results of our comparison of the patternmaking for slim pants showed that pattern C pants had the greatest ease on the waist circumference, while B pants showed no ease. The C and E pants also had the most ease on the hip measurement. In the appearance evaluation, A pants received the most favorable results, followed by D, E, B, and C, in descending order. The clothing pressure appeared to be mainly red on the waist, crotch, and hem when standing in all pants, so the clothing pressure was high. While walking, the stress appeared to be different for the left and right parts of the body, and the most significant difference was observed on the thigh area.

 Abstract  I. Introduction  II. Methods   1. Selection of design and patterns   2. Evaluations by virtual garment simulation   3. Data analysis  III. Results and Discussion   1. Comparisons on ease and patternmaking methods   2. Evaluations of virtual garment simulation  IV. Conclusion  References
  • 김경아(명지전문대학 패션텍스타일세라믹과) | Kim, Kyung-A
  • 홍은희( 상명대학교 패션디자인학과) | 홍은희
  • 어미경( 한양대학교 의류학과) | 어미경