3축 스테이지의 자동 용접 작업을 위한 웹카메라 영상 처리 기반의 자연 지표 추출법 개발 Development of Web-camera Image Processing-based Natural Landmark Extraction Method for Automatic Welding Using 3-axis Stage

이세진, 이경민
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/291745
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제15권 제6호 (2013.12)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

This study introduces the web-camera image processing-based natural landmark extraction method for automatic welding using 3-axis stage. The welding is a highly significant process in the industries of shipbuilding, automobile, construction, machinery, and so on. However, it has been avoided due to poor working conditions such as fume, spatter, noise, and so on. For the automatic welding system, the web-camera is used to extract the natural landmarks which can give the relative coordinate to set up the initial position of the stage for the welding process. The Canny edge and Hough transformation have been used to extract the significant points for the natural landmark extraction in this paper.

 1. 서론
 2. 영상 정보 추출 모델
  2.1 영상 정보 추출
  2.2 자연 지표 추출
 3. 실험 결과
  3.1 실험 장치
  3.2 가변 반복도 검사
  3.3 위치 포지셔닝 정밀도 검사
 4. 결론
  • 이세진(국립공주대학교 기계자동차공학부 기계설계공학전공) | Se-Jin Lee
  • 이경민(Dept. of CS, Naval Postgraduate School) | Kyoungmin Lee