계피 유도체 2'-benzoyloxycinnamaldehyde가 경구편평상피암종 YD-10B 세포의 세포사멸과 자가포식 유도 Cinnamaldehyde Derivative, 2'-benzoyloxycinnamaldehyde (BCA), Induces Apoptosis and Autophagy in Human Oral Squamous Carcinoma YD-10B Cells

김현우, 김수아, 권성민, 윤정훈, 이주용, 안상건
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/293486
제38권 제5호 (2014.10)
대한구강악안면병리학회 (Korean Academy Of Oral And Maxillofacial Pathology)

Cinnamaldehyde is known to have the antitumor effects in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we showed a potent and irreversible cytotoxic activity of the Cinnamaldehyde derivative 2'-benzoyloxycinnamaldehyde (BCA) in human Squamous oral cell carcinoma cell, YD-10B. BCA induced YD-10B cell apoptosis in a dose-responsive manner. BCA-induced apoptosis was associated with corresponding increases in a series of key components in the mitochondria-mediated apoptosis pathways, followed by caspase cleavage and PARP activation. We also observed that BCA induced autophagy through Akt/mTOR pathway in YD-10B cells. BCA treatment increased LC3B-II expression, and induced the formation of autophagosomes and autophagic vacuoles. These experimental findings suggest that BCA is a potent inhibitor of cell proliferation in YD-10B cells and provide new insights about leading to the possible development of a new therapeutic agent.

  1. 세포배양
  2. 세포 생존(Cell viability) 분석
  3. 세포 독성(Cell cytotoxicity) 분석
  4. 세포 주기(Cell cycle) 및 세포 사멸(apoptosis) 분석
  5. 단백질 발현(western blot) 분석
  6. 자가 포식(Autophagy) 분석
  7. Monodansylcadaverine (MDC) 염색 분석
  8. 자료처리 및 통계방법
  1. BCA가 YD-10B 세포의 증식과 독성에 미치는 영향
  2. BCA의 YD-10B 세포 주기 조절 효과
  3. BCA가 YD-10B 세포의 apoptosis 유도
  4. BCA에 의한 Autophagy 유도
  • 김현우(조선대학교 치과대학 구강병리학교실, 동국대학교 한의과대학 생화학교실) | Hyun Woo Kim
  • 김수아(조선대학교 치과대학 구강병리학교실, 동국대학교 한의과대학 생화학교실) | Soo A Kim
  • 권성민(원광대학교 대전치과병원 구강악안면병리학교실) | Seong Min Kwon
  • 윤정훈(원광대학교 대전치과병원 구강악안면병리학교실) | Jung Hoon Yoon
  • 이주용(조선대학교 치과대학 구강병리학교실, 동국대학교 한의과대학 생화학교실) | Joo Young Lee
  • 안상건(조선대학교 치과대학 구강병리학교실, 동국대학교 한의과대학 생화학교실) | Sang Gun Ahn correspondence