패션브랜드 확장 유형, 프리어나운싱, 조절초점이 확장제품의 호의도에 미치는 영향 The effect of fashion brand extension types, preannouncing and regulatory focus on preferences toward extension product

허유진, 황선진
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/293785
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
제23권 제1호 (2015.02)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

This study aimed to identify the effects of fashion brand extensions types, preannouncing and consumers' regulatory focus on preference towards extension products. To that end, the study used a 2 (fashion brand extension types: similar vs. non-similar) × 2 (preannouncing: near preannouncing vs. far preannouncing) × 2 (regulatory focus: promotion focus vs. prevention focus) three mixed elements. The subjects of the study were 280 men and women in their 20~40s living in Seoul and Chungnam province and total of 229 data were analyzed. Data were analysed with SPSS 19.0 program and three-way ANOVA, simple interaction effects and simple main effects analysis were conducted. The results of this study are as follows: First there were significant differences in preference based on fashion brand extension types and preannouncing. Second, there were significant interaction effects in preference between extension types of fashion brand and regulatory focus. But there was no difference in preference toward extension products according to types of preannouncing and regulatory focus. Lastly, fashion brand extension types, preannouncing and regulatory focus showed significant interaction effects on preference. Thus even in cases of non-similar brand extensions which carry more risk of failing, the appropriate marketing communication strategies such as preannouncing will result in brand preference. Also marketing activities should be comprehensive and strategical based on consumers’ tendencies in order to derive positive evaluations.

 I. Introduction  II. Background   1. Brand extension   2. Preannouncing   3. Regulatory focus  III. Methods   1. Research framework and hypothesis   2. Research measurement   3. Data analysis  IV. Results and Discussion   1. Results of variable's reliability analysis andmanipulation check   2. Demographic characteristic   3. Analysis results  V. Conclusion  References
  • 허유진(성균관대학교 일반대학원 예술학협동과정) | Huh, You Jin
  • 황선진( 성균관대학교 의상학과) | 황선진