두께에 따른 알루미늄 폼으로 된 Mode Ⅲ 형 DCB 시험편에 대한 전단 피로 해석 및 검증 Shear Fatigue Analysis and Verification on DCB Specimen of Type Mode Ⅲ with Aluminum Foam by Thickness

고등, 조재웅
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/303049
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제17권 제3호 (2015.06)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

As aluminum foam has the most superior absorption of impact energy, this material has been used at automobile and airplane. If aluminum foam is used by jointing bolt and nut, it can be broken. Therefore, it is more effective to bond aluminum foam and other materials by adhesive. In this study, the fatigue fracture simulation through ANSYS program is carried out on the aluminum foam specimen bonded with adhesive as the type of DCB Mode Ⅲ. There are four kinds of specimens with the types of DCB Mode Ⅲ in this study. The thicknesses of four specimens are 35mm, 45mm, 55mm and 65mm. In cases of specimen thicknesses of 35mm, 45mm, 55mm and 65mm, the maximum loads are shown as ±0.2kN, ±0.55kN, ±1kN and ±1.2kN respectively. As the specimen thickness increases, the maximum loads increase. The results of fatigue experiment as specimen thickness of 55mm can be shown to approach the simulation results by confirming the simulation results of this study. So, The simulation data can be applied in order to investigate the mechanical property at DCB specimen with the type of Mode Ⅲ.

  • 고등(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Kongju University) | Teng Gao
  • 조재웅(Professor, Division of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Kongju University) | Jae-Ung Cho Corresponding Author