흰가루병에 저항성을 가진 복색 스탠다드 장미 ‘엔틱컬’ 육성 Breeding of Bi-color Standard Rose ‘Antique Curl’ with Powdery Mildew Resistance

이혜진, 김성태, 김원희, 이수영, 권오현
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/307753
Vol. 23 No. 3 (2015.09)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

흰가루병에 저항성이 있는 절화장미 품종을 육성하기위하여 2007년 수량이 많고 절화수명이 긴 다홍색의 스탠다드 ‘Aladin’ 품종과 화형이 우수하고 흰가루병에 저항성이 있는 적색 스탠다드 ‘Red Queen’ 품종을 각각모본과 부본으로 인공교배를 실시하였다. 2008년 획득한종자를 파종하여 219개의 실생 개체를 얻었으며 꽃잎수가 5개 미만인 것을 제외하고 2009-2011년까지 3차에 거쳐 특성평가를 실시한 후 ‘원교 D1-179’를 최종 선발하여 ‘Antique Curl’로 명명하였다. ‘Antique Curl’은 복색으로 노랑색(Y2C) 분홍색(R49A)이 혼합되어 있으며, 화형은 고심형, 꽃잎수는 56.7장으로 대조품종인 ‘MoonLight’보다 약 20장 더 많다. 화폭은 12.3cm로 대조품종보다 약간 작았다. 1m2당 연간 채화 가능한 수량은 135.5본이며 절화장은 65.8cm, 절화경경은 5.8mm의 절화 특성을 보였다. 또한 절화수명은 16.8일이며 흰가루병 저항성을 가지고 있으며 기호도 평가에서도 4.0을 획득하여 대조품종 보다 1.0 높은 기호도를 보였다. ‘Antique Curl’의품종보호권(품종보호: 제4456호)은 2013년 4월에 국립종자원을 통해 정식 등록되었다.

‘Antique Curl’, a bicolor standard rose withpowdery mildew resistance, was developed by NationalInstitute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHH), RuralDevelopment Administration (RDA), Korea in 2011. Thiscultivar was derived from the cross done in spring season2007 between ‘Aladin’, a pink colored standard cultivarwith long vase life, and ‘Red Queen’, a red coloredstandard cultivar with powdery mildew resistance. Afterripening, seeds were picked and stored at 4oC for 3months, and 219 seedlings were gained in January 2008.After investigating traits for three years from 2009 to 2011(UPOV standards), ‘Wonkyo D1-179’ was selected in2011. Finally, it was named as ‘Antique Curl’. It hadimproved flower shape and larger flower size, and itsconsumer preference was greater than that of referencecultivar ‘Moon light’. Powdery mildew infection degree,determined by artificial inoculation, was 0.8, whichindicated that ‘Antique Curl’ was resistant to powderymildew. The flower was bicolored in yellow (Y2C) and pink(R49A). Petal shape of ‘Antique Curl’ was elliptical, flowertype was high centered type, and the number of petal was56.7. Leaf of ‘Antique Curl’ was green (G139A) and thenumber of leaves was 9.1. Whole shape of terminal leafletwas ovate. The major characteristics of this cultivar wereyield of 135.5 stems/m2/year, cut flower length of 65.8cm,flower diameter of 12.3cm, and vase life of 16.8 days. Thiscultivar could be propagated by both rooted cutting and grafting. ‘Antique Curl’ (Grant No. 4456) was registered atKorea Seed and Variety Service (KSVS) for plantprotection rights in 2013.

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  • 이혜진(국립원예특작과학원 화훼과) | Hye-Jin Lee Corresponding autho
  • 김성태(경상북도농업기술원 구미화훼시험장) | Seung-Tae Kim
  • 김원희(국립원예특작과학원 화훼과) | Won-Hee Kim
  • 이수영(국립원예특작과학원 화훼과) | Su-Young Lee
  • 권오현(국립원예특작과학원 화훼과) | O-Hyun Kwon