지루함, 공적 자의식, 스타일 지향성이 인터넷 구매에 미치는 영향 The influences of boredom proneness, public self-consciousness, and dressing style on internet shopping

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/309388
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
23권 5호 (2015.10)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

The purpose of this study is to identify the influences of psychological variables and fashion-related psychological variables on purchasing fashion items on the Internet. Boredom proneness and public self-consciousness were selected as psychological variables, and dressing style was selected as a fashion-related psychological variable. It was hypothesized that boredom proneness and public self-consciousness not only influence the purchasing frequency of fashion items on the Internet directly, but also indirectly through dressing style. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul using convenience sampling. Two hundred and eighty-six questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. SPSS was used for exploratory factor analysis, and AMOS was used for hypothesized relationship testing. The factor analysis of boredom proneness revealed five dimensions, “helplessness,” “affective response,” “lack of internal stimulation,” “lack of external stimulation,” and “perception of time.” The factor analysis of public self-consciousness revealed two dimensions, “appearance-consciousness” and “styleconsciousness,” and the factor analysis of dressing style revealed one dimension. The overall fit of the hypothesized model suggests that the model fits the data well. The hypothesized relationship test proved that boredom proneness and public self-consciousness influence the purchasing frequency of fashion items on the Internet indirectly through dressing style. The results implicate effective strategies for Internet shopping malls and suggestions for future study.

I. Introduction
II. Background
III. Methods
IV. Results and Discussion
V. Conclusion
  • 박혜정(한국산업기술대학교 지식융합학부) | Hye-Jung Park Corresponding Author