본 연구는 모밀잣밤나무 등이 분포하여 식생학적 가치가 높은 비진도 상록활엽수림의 식물군집구조 특성을 파악하고 자 진행하였다. TWINSPAN과 DCA에 의한 군락분류 결과, 모밀잣밤나무군락, 모밀잣밤나무-곰솔군락, 참식나무-동백 나무군락, 굴피나무군락, 졸참나무-낙엽활엽수군락, 사방오리나무군락, 곰솔군락으로 구분되었다. 상록활엽수림은 교 목층과 아교목층에서 모밀잣밤나무, 참식나무, 동백나무의 세력이 우세하여 인위적인 간섭에 의한 교란이 없다면 당분 간 현상태를 유지할 것이다. 굴피나무군락은 상록활엽수인 참식나무에 의해, 졸참나무-낙엽활엽수군락은 상호경쟁에 의해 식생의 변화가 예상되었다. 난대림의 일반적인 천이경향은 곰솔, 낙엽활엽수를 거쳐 후박나무, 구실잣밤나무, 참식나무 등 상록활엽수림으로 진행되는 것을 예측하고 있는 바, 비진도의 곰솔, 낙엽활엽수 우점지역도 장기적으로 이들 수종으로 천이가 진행될 것이다. 종다양도는 곰솔자연림군락(1.2739), 졸참나무-낙엽활엽수군락(1.2325), 낙엽활 엽수군락(1.1807), 사방오리나무군락(1.0854)이 높은 반면에, 상록활엽수가 우점하는 모밀잣밤나무군락, 참식나무-동 백나무군락, 곰솔 산불피해지 군락은 0.7380∼0.8416으로 낮았다. 토양산도(pH)는 4.72∼6.33, 전기전도도는 34.5∼ 127.9uS/㎝, 유기물함량은 3.4∼17.4%이었다.
This research was conducted for understanding the evergreen forest community structure of the Bijin Island. The island was worth of vegetational value because of the representative warm temperate species such as Castanopsis cuspidata was distribute there. According to the results of community classification by TWINSPAN and DCA, the Bijin Island evergreen forest were classified by 9 communities, such as C. cuspidata, C. cuspidata-Pinus thunbergii, Neolitsea sericea-Camellia japonica, Platycarya strobilacea, Quercus serrata-Decidus broad-leaved, Alnus firma, P. thunbergii. Due to the C. cuspidata, N. sericea, Ca. japonica etc. were still dominated at canopy and under-canopy layer, so the evergreen forest will be sustain current conditions for a while if there is no artificial disturbances that were caused by human. Pl. strobilacea community will be expected to replace N. sericea and also Q. serrata-Decidus broad-leaved community will be changing caused by mutual competition. Normally, in the way of the succession process of the warm temperate forest, P. thunbergii will be expect via deciduous broad-leaved to evergreen forest such as Machilus thunbergii, C. cuspidata var. sieboldii, and N. sericea. In case of species diversity index, P. thunbergii comm.(1.2739), Q. serrata-Decidus broad-leaved comm.(1.2325), Decidus broad-leaved comm.(1.1807), and A. firma comm.(1.0854) are relatively high, while C. cuspidata and N. sericea-Ca. japonica that was dominated by evergreen species at canopy layer and P. thunbergii that was damaged by fire are relatively low(0.7380~0.8416). Soil pH was 4.72~6.33, electric conductance was 0.035~0.128dS/m, and content of organic matter was 3.4~17.4%.