Lili Zheng
  • LanguageENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/315171
Global Marketing Conference
2016 Global Marketing Conference at Hong Kong (2016.07)
글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 (Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations)

Lots of companies and private persons struggle to attract attention to their products, services or artistic activity on the internet. The concept of ROI has been modified. It’ll not be profit understood by gain in cash, but rather popularity increase like growing fan base, more people devoted to a specific case, stronger impact on the Internet community. Academic literature focuses mainly on applying various online marketing techniques to help companies establish their online presence and increase visibility. There are studies that provide entrepreneurs and business owners with ideas on how to attract more visitors to their websites and improve their search engine ranking. However, there is still a gap in academic literature when it comes to promoting non- profit art websites. In-depth interviews with 7 participants were performed to analyze their impressions on the web comic. 119 Internet users participated in the survey designed to get insights on their perceptions of web comics in order to identify areas for improvement. On the basis of the research carried out on the topic of a website visibility, this paper provides an insight into the possible causes of the problems of web comic with visibility. They lay within three areas related to each other: The quality of content, the website and promotional activities.

  • Lili Zheng(La Rochelle Business School, France)