색채기획을 위한 패션 라이프스타일 유형 분류와 선호색 연구 Study on the classification of fashion lifestyle types and preferred colors for color planning

신남진, 이금희
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/320763
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
24권 5호 (2016.10)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

The purpose of this study is to classify fashion lifestyle types for color planning and to propose color planning of spring & summer by fashion lifestyle by analyzing preferred colors by fashion lifestyle type. The survey was conducted on women between the ages of 30 and 59 using a separately prepared questionnaire and color sample table and also through one-on-one interviews. The results of this study are as follows. First, the participants’ fashion lifestyles were divided into three categories: information individuality type, display type, and practicality type. Second, regarding basic colors: the basic color consistently used for a long time, it was found that there were significant differences in preferred hue and tone according to the types of fashion lifestyles. Specifically, the most preferred hue of all the fashion lifestyle types was achromatic color N and the most preferred tone was V. Third, regarding color trends: the trendy color occupying a market transiently, there were significant differences in preferred hue and preferred tone according to the types of fashion lifestyle. The most preferred hue of all the fashion lifestyle types was B. The most preferred tone of the information individuality type and the display type was V, and that of the practicality type was B. The study found that, in color planning, fashion lifestyles can function as an effective tool to subdivide consumers. Based on the empirical results of this study, I propose that color planning should be based on the type of fashion lifestyle.

  • 신남진(서울여자대학교 의류학과, Dept. of Clothing Science, Seoul Women’s University, Korea) | Nam-Jin Shin
  • 이금희(서울여자대학교 의류학과, Dept. of Clothing Science, Seoul Women’s University, Korea) | Keum-Hee Lee Corresponding author