실내도입 가능한 다육식물 선발 Screening of Ornamental Succulents as Indoor Plants

정순진, 문지혜, 김경미, 송윤진, 박경모, 이성춘
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/321710
Vol. 24 No. 4 (2016.12)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

With the purpose of selecting succulents that are capable of retaining their ornamental value under lower light levels of indoor spaces, this experiment was conducted in two different locations within an apartment balcony (0.0 m and 1.6 m from t he w indow) and u nder d iffering l ight intensities (13.5 μmol・m-2 ・s-1 and 96.4 μmol・m-2 ・s-1). Ninety-seven species of succulents from 23 genera were selected as experiment material, based on the criteria of propagation ease and affordable price. As a result, 37 species were selected as suitable for indoor decoration and consisted of 27 species (Echeveria macdougallii, E. 'Momotaro', E. 'Fun Queen', E. derenbergii, E. 'Pulv-oliver', E. multicaulis, E. lilacina, Crassula 'Buddhas Temple', C. mesembryanthemoides, C. ‘Moonglow’, C. ovata, C. ovata 'Gollum', C. ovata 'Tricolor', Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum', A.sedifolium × A. spathulatum, A. sedifolium, Graptoveria 'Albert Baynes', × Graptoveria 'Silver Star', Pachyphytum oviferum, P. oviferum 'Momobijin', Sedum clavatum, S. morganianum, Sinocrassula yunnanensis, S. densirosulata, Kalanchoe tetraphylla, Cotyledon tomentosa, Adromischus cooperi) from Crassulaceae, 6 species (Haworthia fasciata, H. retusa, H. turgida var. longibracteata, Aloe perfoliata, A. juvenna, Gasteria gracilis) from Asphodelaceae, 2 species (Corpuscularia lehmannii, Faucaria bosscheana) from Aizoaceae, 1 species (Peperomia graveolens) from Piperaceae, a nd 1 s pecies (Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii’) from Asparagaceae. The majority (67.6% of the selected species) of the selected species had overwintering temperature of 0 – 5°C and while most of the selected species had fibrous roots, all species with thick roots were selected as suitable. Of the selected species, 78.3% had a growth rate of moderate level or faster, and 56.8% were summer growing type. Sixty species were found to be unsuitable, and included 5 genera from Crassulaceae (× Pachyveria, × Sedeveria, Graptopetalum, Orostachys, Monanthes) and o ne g enus f rom Asteraceae (Senecio).

  • 정순진(농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 도시농업과) | Sun Jin Jeong
  • 문지혜(농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 도시농업과) | Ji Hye Moon
  • 김경미(농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 도시농업과) | Gyung-Mee Gim
  • 송윤진(농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 도시농업과) | Yunjin Song
  • 박경모(농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 도시농업과) | Kyungmo Park
  • 이성춘(서울시립대학교 환경원예학과) | Sung Chun Lee Corresponding author