A Comparative Research about Various Different Surface Treating Method of Implant

Chong Heon Lee, Gyeong Ju Park
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/324572
제31권 제5호 (2007.10)
대한구강악안면병리학회 (Korean Academy Of Oral And Maxillofacial Pathology)

Nowdays, implant treatment became a branch of universal dental treatment and results in mOI‘ e success by surface con dit ioning and continuous improvements. Recently, a method to extract crystal shows sirnilar Ca/P ratio as HA has introduced which is anodizing electrolyte pure titanium anodize by electrolyte ß -glycerophosphate disodium salt hydrate and calcium acetic acid on pure t itanium before hydrothermal treatment ln t his study fixu res have divided in 3 group: Machined(Group 1), Anodized(Group 1I), implant whi ch has a surface containing Ca and P formed by anodization and hyd rothermal treatment( Group m). Total 18 fixtures were impla nted on rabbit which sacrifi ced on week 2 and week 4 for the histological specimens. By t hese specimens polarized microscopic view‘ ll1icro CT view‘ EPMA, ISQ value were ll1easured, cOll1pa red and a nalysed by each group to f igure out the possible clinical use of titanium implant containing Ca and P by hydrothe rll1al treatment and anodizing electrolyte. ISQ value had no s ignifïcance differences between each 3 groups, However in each group 4 , 8 weeks had hi gher ISQ value than 2 weeks 1n polarized rni croscope, calcification level was following Group 1I ‘ Group m, Group 1. 1n rnicro CT‘ formation of cancellous bone level was following ‘ Group 1I , Group m, Group 1. 1n EPMA, distribution and concentration of Ca was following : Group 1I was two t ill1es more higher than Group 1 , Group m. Group m were higher level t han Group 1. In distribution and concentration of P Group 1I was high er than the other group. but th e re were no statical s ignifi cances. Finally, anodi zed implant was the most exellent on the early bone for ll1a tion Containing Ca and P implant by anodizing and hydrotherma l treatment was more better than machined surface implant, but there is no effi cience at ear ly bone formati on

  • Chong Heon Lee(deparment of Oral Pathology, dental Collage, Dankook University)
  • Gyeong Ju Park(deparment of Oral Pathology, dental Collage, Dankook University)