The Biological Characteristics of Modified Titanium Surface

Gyeong Ju Park, Chong Hun Lee
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/324573
제31권 제5호 (2007.10)
대한구강악안면병리학회 (Korean Academy Of Oral And Maxillofacial Pathology)

The characteristic of implant s llrface is the most i mportant factor in osseointegra t ion procesR , Prol i fera tion and rli ffel' entiat ion of osteoblast, a nd local factors concerning bone forma tion a l'e inflllenced by sUl' face cha racteri s tic and it al so con t l'ols bone reactlOn The purpose of this reseal'ch was to s tlldy a boll t ini t ial adhesion. prolife ration and acti vation of osteo blast to titanium surface treated wi th mac hined‘ hydroxyapat ite coating, resorba ble blast materi al blasting and a n odi zing method To attach and culture osteobl ast‘ titanium cylinder block wi th 5mm in di ameter and 5mm in height was mad e , After t l'eating the titanium surface of each bl ock with machined, hydroxyapatite coating, I'esorhable blast ma teri al blasting and anodi zed coating, i.mpllrities wel'e I'emoved and stenllzed The number of cells attached from cultul'ed osteobl ast of I'espective expel’imental groups were measured at 1, 4, 7. and 14day, Al ka line phosphatase, calcium. and inorganic phosphate concen tra ti on 0 1' cultured solution was measul'ed, Anodi zing group showed the hi ghest. and RBM treated grollp was foll owed, Machined grollp was the worst ra te of cell a ttachment and pl 미 ife ra ti o n activity, RBM t l'eated grollp s howed the high est in creasi ng on theil‘ alkaline phosphatase activi ty of 1 and " days in cultllred osteobJast to compnrc wi th othcr groups. Thc rc was no significant differe nce among other grollps , stati stically, RBM trea ted grollp showed the hi ghest rate 0 1' increa s ing on the ca lcillm apposition of 1 a nd 4 days in cllltured osteobl ast to compa re wi th other groups , The re was no s ignificant differ ence among other groups ‘ statistica lly, RBM t reated g roup showed the highest rate of inorganic phospha te apposi t ion to compare with other groups , The re was no s ignifi cant diffe rence among other groups‘ s tati stically, It suggested tha t surface modi fï cation of titani um would be profoundly effected on the attachment. proliferation and activation 0 1' osteoblast in init ial stage osseolll tegrat lOn

  • Gyeong Ju Park(Department of Oral Pathology, Dental Collage of Oankook University)
  • Chong Hun Lee(Department of Oral Pathology, Dental Collage of Oankook University)